Saturday, November 12, 2011

What Are The Differences Between Constructed-Response And Fixed-Response Assessment And When Should You Use Each Type Of Assessment In eLearning And Why?

A completion-response question is one where the test-taker is required to supply the answer whether by completing a sentence with the correct word or completing an essay. A fixed-response question is one where the test-taker chooses an answer from various choices presented that best fits the question. Both can be used as a formative assessment although more likely seen in a fixed-response version. If you look at the chart below you notice that the two assessments seem to be quite a contrast in what each one delivers and possibly measures, as well. However, both type of assessments can be and should be created for online learning. The following chart reveals even more differences between two: 
Limited sampling of content material
Adequate sampling of content material
Longer to grade although easier to create   
Easier to grade although longer to create

Assesses more declarative knowledge      
Assesses more procedural knowledge

Have to know the answer         
Able to choose the answer 

Directly measures targeted behaviors     
Indirectly measures targeted behaviors

Fairly easy to construct         
Time consuming to construct

When to use or create an appropriate assessment to fit your needs as an eTeacher is another question? What should this depend on? What factors must you, as an eTeacher consider? One factor is time.  How much time you have to either create or grade the assessments has to be a consideration no matter the extent you want to know what your eLearners have mastered so far. It takes time to create fixed-resoponse but because you can include a larger sampling of the content material it may be worthwhile. On the other hand, although easier to create and consists of a smaller sample of content material, a completion-response or essay question/answer can pinpoint more clearly whether or not an eLearner has truly mastered a specific content area because the student must 'know' or convey in writing knowledge of the subject sometimes in detail. Fixed-response questions can be more readily designed to measure procedural knowledge than do completion-response questions. Finally, there is always the issue of the programs that are used to grade various assessment that you create.  Are they compatible with the computer hardware and software you have available? How about grading essay questions? eTeachers spend countless hours grading essay questions it seems. Although there appears to be some new programs emerging claiming to be able to resolve those essay grading complications only time will tell.   

1 comment:

  1. does constructed-response and completion-response the same?
